How to Clean and Disinfect Your Home?

Microbes and other pests tend to thrive in our homes in no time. The unpleasant thing is that they are invisible and we do not know exactly how harmful they can be. How can we deal with this problem? Does this mean that we must maintain a sterile environment in every room in our home?

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sponge used for an end of tenancy clean

How to Clean Your Kitchen Without Chemicals?

Do you dream of a kitchen shining with purity? Does it sound optimistic for you to achieve it without the use of preparations containing chemical elements? There is nothing better than to be proud of a clean kitchen and to be happy every time you enter it. That’s why we have prepared a short guide

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a green basket with eco cleaning natural products

Natural cleaning products. The Best Eco-Friendly Brands

The use of chemicals is not recommended for any room – whether used for public purposes or for the home. That is why more and more emphasis is placed on the “green way of life” and eco-friendly cleaning products are produced. Many companies show that natural ingredients can be used to replace harmful chemicals, but

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messy drawer before an end of tenancy cleaning service in London

How to De-Clutter, Clean, and Organise Drawers

De-cluttering and cleaning the inside of drawers keeps them organised and free of dust and odour. While they are kept closed most of the time, lint and dust eventually pile up on clothes and other items that are kept inside. Here are some tips to keep your drawers clean and organised. Of course, if you

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nice looking kitchen after disinfection during tenancy clean

Cleaning Tips to Remove Allergens at Home

Allergens such as pet dander, pollen, mould, and dust can make you sick and make your house an unhealthy and miserable place. Here are some tips and tricks to allergy-proof your home and make it a hygienic and safe place. Common Allergens in Homes The most common indoor allergens are pollen, mould spores, house dust,

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mould in the corner of room on the ceiling and wall before tenancy cleaning service

How to Quickly and Effectively Clean Mould

A mould infestation is a health hazard that can ruin your home and cost you heaps of money in repairs and replacements. To ensure that your home is a mould-free zone, you need to learn how to identify different types of mould as to choose the best method to clean and deal with infestations. Why

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