Carpet Cleaning Benefits and How to Do It Efficiently
Professional carpet cleaning offers some real benefits to households, institutional settings, and businesses
From an environmental and health perspective, the cleaning of any object achieves objectives such as property maintenance, health protection, and exposure reduction. When it comes to carpets, the widespread misconception is that they cannot be kept clean and can lead to respiratory problems, allergies, and other health conditions. This is why carpets are often removed from healthcare settings, retirement and nursing homes, schools, and individual households, ignoring the quality benefits and effectiveness of professional cleaning programs. When properly designed, they can be an integral part of keeping homes and institutional settings safe, productive, comfortable, and inviting. There are both general and carpet-specific benefits that professional cleaning offers and here are some of them.
General Benefits
The cleaning of any household object offers a number of health and safety benefits such as:
⦁ Prevents crisis and reduces risk
⦁ Minimizes adverse exposure levels through disinfection and sanitation
⦁ Manages hazards and waste and improves safety
⦁ Contributes to environmental protection
⦁ Enhances aesthetics
⦁ Slows down the rate of depreciation
⦁ Helps maintain the value of the property
⦁ Allows for the reuse of materials and space
⦁ Contributes to productivity, comfort, and safety
⦁ Promotes human dignity
⦁ Sends caring messages
⦁ Facilitates topophilia or attachment and love of place
⦁ Improves quality of life
In general, a clean and organized home is positively associated with improved health and research proves this. A longitudinal study at the Indiana University followed 998 participants who were known to be at risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Those who kept their homes clean were found to be more physically active and healthier than those who didn’t. Interestingly, a clean home comes out to be a better predictor of fitness and health than factors like air quality and the availability of lighting and sidewalks as part of the built environment outside. According to associate professor at the Department of Physical Education NiCole Keith, people who spend more time doing laundry, cleaning, and dusting are more physically active and healthier. This demonstrates that the interior of one’s home is the main factor that drives physical activity as opposed to residential features and facilities.
Another study from the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin examined the effect of cleanliness on daily patterns of mood. The study involved 60 participants and a linguistic analytics tool. The software tracked the frequency of using words associated with a sense of the home as unfinished, clutter, nature, and rest. The study found that women who viewed their homes as cluttered and disorganized were more likely to be fatigued and depressed than those describing their living space as restful and restorative.
Carpet-Specific Benefits
Effective carpet cleaning has been found to reduce the likelihood of mold growth and the level of airborne endotoxins and to minimize bio-pollutants and indoor contamination.
Reduced Pollution
A Denver study from 2001 shows that wet extraction is the most effective technique to remove particles and bio-pollutants and improve air quality. Measurements of airborne pollutants before and after cleaning indicate that high contamination is observed in homes that are cleaned infrequently and are heavily or moderately soiled. Higher concentrations were also found in settings where excessive chemicals were used for cleaning. Another study by the FPG Child Development Center confirms these findings by showing that carpets that are frequently cleaned and vacuumed are not linked to poor indoor air quality.
Reduced Endotoxins
A study examining the effects of a cleaning program at the Anderson Creek School found a significant reduction of cockroach antigen (66 percent), beta-glucan (48 percent), and endotoxins (56 percent). Contributing to the success of the program were the proactive approach of staff, a schedule and system for cleaning, and powerful extraction equipment.
Reduced Mold Growth
The Air Quality Sciences Study of Carpet Cleaning involved poorly maintained carpeting that was removed from a high temperature, high humidity environment. After thorough cleaning, it was placed in a setting with normal humidity levels and no mold growth was observed.
When Is Carpet Cleaning Effective to Bring Maximum Benefits?
For many people, carpets should be cleaned when they look bad. It is more important, however, to remove pollutants, which helps reduce exposure and improves the quality of the environment. Basically, carpet cleaning is effective when the following is removed:
⦁ Combustion byproducts from tobacco, candles, wood smoke, and cooking
⦁ Herbicides and pesticides used in and around the house
⦁ Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and other heavy metals contained in soil
⦁ Different types of biological allergens
⦁ Particles to which gaseous and solid organic compounds attach
⦁ Fine particles that cannot be extracted through vacuuming
The benefits of extracting fine particles, allergens, heavy metals, and other pollutants are many, including:
⦁ Liability for managers and building owners
⦁ Fewer complaints to building managers
⦁ Reduced cancer risk
⦁ Fewer cases of biologically induced illness
⦁ Reduced risk of health problems associated with loose particles
Carpet cleaning is also effective when environment factors are taken into account. The frequency of cleaning, for example, depends on things like time of the year, humidity, and temperature, types of activities at home or the office, and particles found outside that can be blown or brought inside. The type of carpet fiber should also be taken into account, i.e. whether it is cotton, acrylic, wool, olefin, polyester, or nylon. The type of environment is another variable when it comes to frequency of cleaning. It can be different for daycare centers, schools, nursing homes, eating establishments, industrial offices, and white collar offices. For individual homes, the extent and types of housekeeping tasks that household members engage in is taken into account. Other factors to weigh in to ensure effective cleaning are the smoking habits of household members, types and number of pets, ages and number of children, and health status and number of inhabitants. The desired level of quality and comfort is also an important consideration. As a rule, maintenance is an activity that is scheduled and periodic. Whether it is yard, home, or car maintenance or routine checkups, they are scheduled to protect health and safety. Carpet cleaning and maintenance are no exception.
It should be also noted that we usually think of wall-to-wall carpeting in homes, workplaces, and offices but rugs also need maintenance. For cleaning to be efficient, the rug’s construction and design should be accounted for, along with age, type of maintenance, and cleaning procedures. These variables can influence pollutant and allergen levels and possible adverse health effects.
Why Is Cleaning Important?
The use of carpets has been associated with increased levels of microorganisms, allergens and dust. The types of allergens that get trapped in fibers include mold, dust mites, insect parts, pollen, and pet dander. These indoor pollutants increase the risk for health conditions such as asthma, red, itchy skin, irritated throat, and mild cognitive effects. Regular cleaning is thus important in kindergartens, schools, offices, and households with asthma sufferers, persons with allergic reactions, and those at risk of allergies.
What Else to Do
Besides carpets, there are other repositories for dust mite allergens, including clothing, soft toys, soft furnishings, curtains, and bedding. In fact, the main habitat for dust mites is bedding, and it is because it is nutrient rich, humid, and protected. To reduce contact with allergens, it is important to improve bedding hygiene by regularly washing and airing bedclothes, pillows, and mattresses.
Dust mites, mold, and pollen are not the only allergens found in indoor environments. There is a wide range of triggers that are associated with respiratory reactions, including:
⦁ Pollutants released by heaters and cooking appliances
⦁ Chemical odors
⦁ Flus and colds
⦁ Medications
⦁ Some foods
⦁ Tobacco smoke
⦁ Cold air
⦁ Exercise
Some triggers such as tobacco smoke and pollutants released by appliances can be eliminated by changing habits and ensuring good air circulation. Opening doors and windows frequently facilitates fresh air exchange and reduces humidity levels. Other measures include regularly vacuuming soft furnishings, vacuuming curtains, and cleaning window blinds and sills. This is best done professionally.
Some people choose not to use carpets at home out of fear of increased risk of allergies and respiratory conditions. At the same time, carpeting can be a valuable addition to any indoor environment. It offers softness and comfort underfoot, suppresses noise, and provides insulation. For these reasons, it is a popular choice in many institutional settings and individual homes. With the right attention, care, and treatment, allergens and other pollutants are efficiently removed. Having a carpet professionally cleaned offers multiple benefits such as removing bacteria, residue, and allergens, eliminating stubborn stains, and preventing and controlling dust mite infestations. Professional cleaning also helps restore areas that have been trampled by footfall, prolongs the life of carpets, and increases home value. Finally, not all carpets are created equal, and they vary greatly in design, color quality, thickness, and fiber. The choice of cleaning method, technology, and frequency of cleaning is important to ensure good care and minimize the risk of damage.